To create a human- and eco-friendly city, we will develop robust basic infrastructure to ensure the stable supply of energy, contribute to regional zero-emission initiatives, and implement efficient management of the Smart City.
◆ Introduce renewable energy/promote switching to green energy
◆ Reduce power outages and the burden on the EVN grid
◆ Output restrictions on renewable energy (Hanoi annual power outage time: 480mins. 24 times longer than Japan)
◆ Ensure a lifeline power grid
◆ Increase pressure on companies to go green
◆ Introduce smart meters, realize energy conservation
◆ Encourage residents to conserve energy, reduce electricity costs

- “Stable supply of energy to the region” and “Contribution to zero emissions”
- Incorporate the energy demand of the Greater North Hanoi region
- Enhance the smart energy project and expand to other regions
◆ Reduce power outages, increase grid stability
◆ Visualization of energy
◆ Enhancement of zero-emission initiatives
◆ Introduction of reliable business continuity plan of energy sources that are resilient to disasters and power outages caused by climate change or power shortages
◆ Zero emissions, promotion of off-grid energy (response looking ahead to view Science-based Targets)
◆ Other energy-related services that provide benefits to residents and tenants